Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can NOT wearing a seat belt safe your life in an accident?

I have heard that .|||I myself have been in 2 accidents that were NOT my fault and strongly feel that if I had been wearing my seat belt I would be dead. The cops at the scene of the second accident said that if I had been strapped in they would have had to use the Jaws Of Life to get me out. The extra time that it would have taken would have killed me because they barely kept me alive through the life flight. I refuse to wear my seatbelt while some guy rides past me on his motorcycle with no helmet. Pennsylvania can go Fnck themselves. I don't care. LOL|||Ignorant answer and I doubt if the cops told you that. I have been around fireman long enuf to know a jaws of life is not used to cut seat belts. Quit your lyin'

Of course I myself think seatbelt laws suck.

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|||Amen amen amen amen and once again amen. Yes it can, and what's the point of seat belt laws when the school buses don't have them? What a crock of chit. Besides what kind of Communism can tell me I have to wear one when the only person it would be hurting if I don't is me? ::steps down off soap box:: thank you.|||If something was gonna happen in an accident (inside the car) and you weren't wearing the seatbelt and you got thrown out of the car and survived THAT impact, then i guess that was a good thing.|||As a Paramedic I have seen countless accidents and it seems that most who wore seatbelts came out with minor injuries. I would have to go with wearing seatbelts to be safe.|||wear your seat belt it will save your life and you won't get a ticket either.

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