Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm an agnostic libertarian that lives in Texas (bible belt). Can I find a girlfriend that will accept that?

I want to go out with this girl but I'm afraid she will not go out with me or eventually break up with me if she finds out that I'm agnostic.|||Go out with the girl and don't tell her that you're agnostic until you both get attached. Don't date a girl unless she's open minded and then if she really likes you then she'll get over the religion thing.|||If someone won't accept you for who you are, they probably aren't good for you. Also, if you expect her to change, or if she expects you to change, that isn't good either.

I am also from Texas, and am a devout Christian and Republican. In high school, i dated a girl who was agnostic and Democratic. We had a fun month or two, but we eventually realized that we were just too different, and it was pointless for us to be going out.

Trust me, my friend, there are plenty of people out there who will respect your beliefs and probably even share them. Don't get worked up because the girl you like now isn't good for you. And also, stop while you are ahead.|||The thing is, if her faith is important to her and your belief is important to you, eventually there will be a clash over it. it's better that she know up front and decides if its something she can handle than for it to come up after you're dating and then cause problems in the relationshp and end it.

So be upfront. There is someone out there for you.|||Not another one of you. I thought we got rid of all of your kind!!! lol Just be open to listening to her views, as you would want her to be open to yours. You might find that you can respect each others beliefs, as it should be. You should let her get to know the person that you are first before ever discussing religion, however.|||most texans identify themselves as libertarian.

as a fellow texan myself, i believe the key to getting around the religion thing, is simply not to discuss it. it works for me.

or if they're very religious, i just lie and say yeah i'm a methodist.

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