Friday, December 9, 2011

What steps can I take to repeal the seat-belt laws throughout the nation?

Will big brother ever get out of my personal life?

This is my body so what does the government have to do with how I risk injury to myself?|||And pray, tell me why you think the rest of us want to pay for your stupidity.

Fact is, seatbelts do save lifes, and injuries.

When someone without a seatbelt is injured or killed, we all pick up the tab somewhere along the line.

Forget it - you are hazardous to your own health.|||Nobody is forcing you to drive. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Billions of dollars are spent on guard rails, banked roads, reflector lane markings, ice removal, bridge and tunnel inspections and many other safety features on today's roads. They would all be for naught if you don't buckle up. The government also forces children to go to school for their own good, are you opposed to that also? I suggest that you risk a ticket and don't buckle up if you don't want to.|||Exactly! And can we do away with the helmet laws, too?

If people aren't smart enough to voluntarily do something that is relatively simple yet will go a long way in saving their own lives or in preventing them from becoming quadriplegics, why should the government get involved? I say let them keep their personal freedoms and then when they are taken out of the gene pool, so much the better for the rest of us.|||I think it's too late now.

Interesting point though.

I was driving along a country road one day, slowly because it had been raining and the road was covered in cow dung, a truck was approaching, going a bit fast I thought, I had no seat belt on. (not because I objected to the law, I just couldn't be bothered)!

This truck just didn't look right, it was going to be a bit tight getting past me, I slowed right down and tried to pull off the road a bit, the truck didn't reduce speed, I was driving a merc' not a cheap car, I stopped at the very edge of the road and waited.

The driver of the truck could see it was going to be a tight squeeze, he lost his nerve at the last minute and slammed on his brakes, he skidded right into me almost head on.

I had no seat belt on the collision almost threw me through the front passenger seat, head first through the glass, no one was killed.

I discovered later the impact had knocked my engine right through the car and smashed up the drivers seat, mashed it to bits!!!

If I had been wearing my seat belt I would have been in that mash mix.

This doesnt mean I consider I now have a very good reason not to wear a seat belt, my case is likely very rare.

The seat belt issue is not really important to me, but there are certainly a load of BS laws in force that I consider to be a breach of my personnal liberty. I dont think I would back you on this one.|||FWIW, I agree - it should be your choice. It should also be the government's choice, and your insurer's choice to decline treatment for any injuries caused or made worse by not wearing a belt if and when you're involved in an accident.

Campaigning for a major change in the law could cost a great deal. It might be less expensive to simply not wear a belt and cough up for all the fines.

Your choice.|||Are you willing to sign something that if you get injured you will not use any insurance money to pay for your injuries? I don't think there are any steps you can take cause no one wants to run into someone %26amp; hurt them at all but if they can wear a seat belt %26amp; not be as badly hurt then it is more acceptable. Insurance companies want people to be safe.|||Why would you want to do that? You are not serious are you, what the heck is in the drinking water in Lake Michigan? You do know a decision like that affects many more people than yourself, to take it seriously for one minute. Ok, Times up just step away from the seat belt! Now the next time you feel serious about this, pull up to a patrol unit and point out your not wearing a seat belt. This should start the ball rolling on your campaign.|||You have to show proof that not wearing a seat belt will not effect the death count in accidents nationwide. If you don't wear your seat belt as the driver, should your passengers also have that right?|||Fine, just sign an agreement that says no tax money, nor any extra insurance on my part will go toward the hospital, therapy, long-term disability, social security, etc. of your freedom.|||You can protest, or write letters to congress, but honestly, they'd never do that.|||Just get enough people to sign your petition and take it to your legislator..that'll start the ball moving.|||Who is going to pay your medical bills and physical therapy when you break your bones or bash your head?|||Don't stop there, lets repeal ALL new laws written since 1860..

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