Friday, December 9, 2011

Is it to late in my life to get my penis circumsized?

I'm 16 and my girlfriend won't do anything bellow the belt line because my penis is uncircumsized. How do I fix this aawkward sistuation and how much pain are we talking about?|||How do you fix it?

Dumb your shallow, immature, selfish girlfriend!

How much pain? or how much money?

You got $2,500 laying around the house? Proably not.

Also you need to be a man and make your own decisions not let some girl force you into crap like this.

You probably won't remember her name in a few years.

-Connor|||Um, find a new girlfriend?

Seriously though! If that's how she is, I say tell her to go somewhere else!

I have seen both, and my husband is uncircumcised! :) Personally, I prefer it that way! There are lots of girls out there that don't care, or prefer it that way! Good luck!


I agree with Laura D. I don't think she would appricate that you didn't like her for who she is.|||Tell your girlfriend to knock it off. Many women are fine with, or actually prefer uncut.

Go to:

It should convince you, rationally, why you don't want to get circumcised.|||Why does your avatar look like a girl...and why is your name Kim?'s never too late to get circumcised. Although, you seem to be way too young to be having sex. And if your girl won't **** you because of your foreskin, it's time to get a different girl.|||no, it's never too late unless your penis falls off or gets cut off completely. Something is the matter with your gf, I'm uncut and would never cut it for anybody or any amount of cash. I enjoy the pleasure and my gf has no complaints about mine or as a matter of fact any other girls that it's satisfied. your gf is very immature and sounds very shallow.|||it's never too late to get circumsized,

do it, it benefits you more rather than causing problems|||tell her good bye no reason you should get cut just because she don't like it .it would be very painful and at your age easier for things to go wrong as you have more then a baby at birth ,they even blotch circumcising them sometimes|||Well, it is not too late to get circumcised. I knew a guy that got it done at 19. However, if you are just doing it for a girl, you should really think hard about it. There is no reason to permanently alter your genitals for your girlfriend. Ask her to get circumcised for you and watch her reaction!|||u may have to break up with her cause u will always be bitter about being controlled but if my wife wanted me to have short hair i would get a haircut.

Men can get rid of their sex drive with exercise but beacuse womans sex drive is connected to their sex drive they can;t God said.He said thet women need sex more than men.|||if i were you i would definitely get it done! most girls i know, including myself, prefer it that way..i've never touched an uncircumcised penis and i don't think i ever will. where i'm from most guys have it done anyway. i just think it's kinda gross not to.|||This is awkward, all right... how can your girlfriend be demanding a cricumcision if you are a girl? Last time I checked, girls didn't have penises.

Take care,|||No it is certainly not too late. I was circumcised in my twenties for example.Discomfort rather than pain for about a week but sex should be possible in a fortnight and within a month everything should have settled down.

I must say that your motive does seem superficial though unless you yourself really want it or it is a medical or religious necessity. Most women have no real preference so there may be other motives for her saying this - think about it.

If you are in the UK this would not be available free under the NHS as it would be for cosmetic reasons. Private clinics could arrange it for a few hundred pounds.|||Find a new girl friend. It shouldn't matter whether or not you are circumsized. I'm sure you kee everything clean. Teach her how to pull back the foreskin to get to your head. All it is a little extra bit of skin...

If she still won't do anything.. then its time to find someone new.|||Um it is never too late to be circumcised but i would never get circumcised. Dude the chick is bein retardd|||wow, most girls don't even care

everyone loves my foreskin : ) LOL

make a deal with her, she gets a female circumcision (her labia and clit chopped off) and then you'll get your foreskin chopped off jkjk

see how she likes it though

she's obviously not very smart though, time to find a new gf|||no its not to late, it may hurt but the doctor can circumsize you at 16|||just keep it pulled back instead|||kimberly, don't be silly... just take the strap-on back and exchange it for a circumcised one... if you used it i guess you can use an exacto knife on it ;-)|||get a new g/f she sucks ask her to get her clit curcumcised|||Well I would suggest just trying to make her understand or find ways to work around it, getting a circumcision seems a bit extreme.

And I'm guessing it's pretty painful.

P.S. aren't you a girl ? (your avatar and screen name)|||you aren't too old, but it wouldn't be fun in the least bit, you'd be in so much pain from that, the penis is very sensitive, the slightest injury to it hurts like hell, choping off a chunk of foreskin would be even worse!|||She has been brainwashed by 100 years of sick propaganda and needs educating that your foreskin is no dirtier and even easier to wash than her own genital folds. Smegma collects in her folds as well. The bunkum about HIV is based on disputed studies and even if accepted would only make a difference to predominately insertive gay males, about 0.05% of a western male population.鈥?/a>

All studies on STIs done in western countries show no significant difference in STI infection rates over a lifetime.鈥?/a>

Claims about cervical cancer are also based on debunked studies and the difference claimed is not significant enough to reject an intact partner on that basis. Now there is a vaccine against the virus that causes this cancer that is far more effective than worrying about whether your partner is cut or not.

So her reasons for rejecting you are stupid. If it's just looks then her vagina has more folds and is plenty uglier too.

You should also know what you would lose if you did have this done, aside from at least a thousand dollars, probably two, because this is not covered, being cosmetic surgery.

Adult males lose 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of skin in circumcision, over half the skin of your penis. You lose the gliding action as it slides on itself during masturbation and sex. You will suffer bruising, perhaps some bleeding, and the swelling from the disruption to the lymph system goes on for up to six months. Removing the foreskin turns the surface of the glans from an inner mucosal membrane to outside skin. Newly circumcised adults usually go through some weeks of intense discomfort as the glans is constantly exposed to rubbing on clothing, until it develops a thicker keratin layer and becomes less sensitive. You must abstain from ALL sexual activity for an average of six weeks. Some men like the final result but others complain of loss of sensation and miss being able to slide their foreskin over the glans. Circumcised guys often have little or no movable skin left and are forced to masturbate using lube or rubbing dry, without the loose skin. There is no going back if you don鈥檛 like the result.

A recent study has shown real differences in fine touch sensitivity between circumcised and intact penises and that the most sensitive parts of the intact penis are those that would be removed by circumcision.

The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates. One by one the claims are disproved but the pro-cutting zealots come up with more and keep quoting the old ones despite the evidence against them. For example you have more chance of dying from a circumcision or losing your penis from wound infection than from penile cancer. The rate of penile cancer is higher in the largely-circumcised USA than in European countries where less than 1% of the male population is circumcised. Plus circumcised men have been found to have penile cancer, mostly on the scar. (Remember this is a very rare disease in intact or circumcised men).

A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32. About 40% were circumcised. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference.

Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes. A few intact males have problems with tight foreskin but this is only a tiny proportion of intact males. The condition can now be almost always treated with simple stretching exercises, sometimes in combination with a steroid cream that speeds up the process.

Many women who get to interact sexually with an intact penis prefer the natural state. During intercourse the foreskin acts like lube on entry and may act as a dam, preventing lubricating secretions escaping from the vagina. In one study women reported that sex with an intact partner was gentler and more satisfying since he doesn't have to thrust as hard to feel enough stimulation. So your next girlfriend may prefer you intact. Don鈥檛 do this to yourself just to pander to this brainwashed twit. Be proud of your whole and natural body.


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