Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is it ok for martial arts to be your life?

I love martial arts. I'm testing for my 1st degree black belt today and tomorrow(its a two day testing thing). Sometimes I think I take martial arts too seriously. I really enjoy it and I've found confidence through it. Is it ok for martial arts to be your life or is that pathetic?|||It's great that you have something in your life that you enjoy so much!

There's nothing wrong with devoting a lot of yourself to it.

Just don't shut others who don't share your passions out.

Try to be open minded and enjoy other things as well.

Life is like the Martial Arts-focusing too much on one aspect will leave you lacking in other parts.

Try to be well rounded.

Martial arts are a big part some very famous and successful people's lives.

They have used their passion as a springboard to other things... and they made careers out of their passions.

Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, The entire Gracie Family to name a few.

If you are so inclined, you could always teach-even open your own school so that you can share your passion with others!

Good luck with your test.

At this point you probably know all the materials, so just relax and execute and you'll be fine.|||At the end of your life, no, it probably isn't ok. It could be your legacy, your livelihood and something so important it keeps you grounded through out life. However, there are things in this life that will be worth more to you in your heart than martial arts could ever mean, Family.

I have never been close with my family because I pretty much chose the path of the black sheep. No matter how much I have grown and matured I know there will always be a strain in my family when it comes to me because of many of the things I have done. I look at my son now and think about how stupid I was. Being right with your family, making and loving your own are far more important and you will find in time that next to family everything in life pales in comparison|||For me most of the last 43 years has been a life of living the martial arts. It was for many years my passion and my job. for me that was a good thing. but to be honest, most people should have some other job or at least something else in their life to balance things. It depends on the person, but the road I took was a very hard one. To some people it would not be worth the sacrifices that it requires.

For you it is best that you keep this in mind. It will be years before you will be at a point where you can do it if you want to. For now train and learn.

Best of Luck!

...|||Typically, if a fixation on a pastime or hobby becomes such a part of your life that your enthusiasm for it exceeds the bounds of social norms, and impedes your ability to hold meaningful relationships with other people, you are a fanatic, and should seek psychological help for your obsession. Barring that, it's absolutely fine. Have at it and enjoy what makes you happy. Life is too short.|||This is your life, if you want to make it your life, wether that be becoming a teacher, opening up your own dojo, or traveling the world learning more, it's fine! You do what you want to do. Don't listen to what anyone else says, you don't tell them what to do, and they don't tell you.|||Let me answer your question with a story that I was told when I was a young man.

A young man who was just beginning his study of the martial arts and said, "Master, how long will it take me to become proficient in the martial arts?"

The master looked his young pupil and said, "If you practice diligently it will take you 30 years to become proficient."

At this the young student could be seen considering this answer, "Master, what if I practice 8 hours a day, every day?"

The master looked at his pupil and responded, "If you forsake all else and practice every day for 8 hours per day it will take you 50 years to become proficient."

This incensed the young student and he came back with, "Master, what if I practice 16 hours a day and I only stop training to eat and sleep?"

The master looked as young pupil, "If all you do is train, eat and sleep it will take you 100 years, a lifetime to become proficient."


To this the wise, old master responded, "If all you focus on is the peak of a distant mountain, you cannot see your way to navigate the path at your feet."

Martial arts, and life for that matter, is about balance. Karate-DO, is a way of life, but not life itself. The key is when you practice and train put your whole focus (kime) into that effort. When you are not training or practicing, live your life with that same focus, on other things that matter to you. That might be school, work, love, play. Do not allow martial arts to distract from the rest of your life, but allow it to add to your life.

As you get older, life will get in the way of your practice, this is only natural. The key is to stick with it. Life will draw you away from training at times, but never give up on it.|||Congrats. It is hard to achieve balance. it is even hard to determine what is balanced. First degree testing is a big deal, and quite the ordeal, so it makes sense to get wound up. You almost have to. As you progress through the black belt ranks, try to find time for other things, whatever is important to you. For now, enjoy the moment and kick butt.|||For people with not really anything else in their life, I assume they make martial arts their life. I like martial arts alot, but it's far from being my life. It's just my incredibly fun hobby.

@Stan: Martial arts is not Chuck Norris's life. As can be seen by the fact that he hasn't really done anything martial arts related for a long number of years.|||Well, since its been my passion since 1968, and I've got a lot out of the martial arts more than anything else. And since I despise sports. I would say YES.

Spending the rest of your life in your particular style of karate is a good thing.|||Ur LIFE is ur life. Dont forget that. MAs can be a part of it whether its a big part or a small part, its up to u. As with anything in life dont get too caught up in 1 aspect of ur life or ull miss out on other aspects of ur life.|||Its very good to make the martial arts your life. Because martial arts bring balance to your life so you can organize your time and life.|||Absolutely.|||YES!!!! It is okay and it's not pathetic at all!!!!!|||its awesome...and congradulations. just don't let it be your only interest...lest you burn yourself out.

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