Friday, December 2, 2011

Any tips for dealing with a seat belt phobia?

I have a real fear of driving while wearing a seat belt. I'm talking about having a full-blown panic attack at times when I wear one. (Yes, I realize this is irrational, but that's part of the definition of a phobia.) I'm well aware of the laws requiring seat belt usage, and have in fact been stopped twice for not obeying them. And the only reason I'm seeking help is because further offences will seriously affect my car insurance.

I will say that I was involved in a car accident several years ago, in which I was thrown from the car. It was one of those rare instances where NOT wearing my seat belt saved my life; the car landed on its roof which was smashed down such that any person remaining in the car would have been smashed as well. Ever since then, I have had a real problem with wearing my belt. I've tried to rationalize with myself, and convince myself that it's safe and something I just need to do. But no luck.

Suggestions? Serious answers only, please.|||You really need cognitive therapy to deal with this. I understand phobias. To start, you need to get comfortable just sitting in the car with the seat belt on. Then start slowly by going down the block and back until you can go further without having a panic attack. I highly suggest therapy to help you with this. Your body is reacting to the threatening situation even though you are trying to rationalize it in your mind. You'll probably need medication to start, it will help a great deal.|||Seeing a psychiatrist is probably the best solution at this point.|||if their so dam safe how come their not in school buses|||When I did a search on seat belt phobia's I found that one of the exemptions for the seat belt law in North Carolina is a certified seat belt phobia, maybe check out your state law on this. Then you can get treated by a psychologist for your phobia and if your state has the same exemption, then until they help you overcome the phobia you wouldn't have to worry about a ticket.

This is the site that shows North Carolina's exemption to the seat belt laws. Just scroll down until you see the list of them.鈥?/a>|||I too would recommend talking to a therapist or psychiatrist. They will be able to help you with coping techniques which will help you work through your phobia.|||I don't like wearing them time I crashed in a corvair car (the gas tank is in the front of this car) and I was knocked out. The car started smoking, I think it was on fire so someone came running over to help me. The driver's door was struck and couldn't be opened so this guy opened the passager side and tried to pull me out but I had a seat belt on. Finally I woke up and got the seat off and someone helped me out.

Anyway I usually wear them now, besides here in california it's just a big hassle with the police and highway patrol always pulling me over for not wearing one. Maybe you can find one of those T-shirts with a seat belt printed on it so when the police cruise by it's looks like you're wearing one.|||You need professional help since you haven't overcome your traumatic accident.|||Ask your local Highway Patrol for a copy of "Blood on Asphalt III"

watch it- I'll bet you'll lose your fear of them...|||umm Doctor or just practice while not driving|||All it will take for you to get over this phobia is to have another accident,in which a seatbelt saves your life. In the meantime, I strongly suggest you seek counseling. I had a phobia, once. I washed my hands too much and I compusively checked things. The reason for the phobia had NOTHING to do with soap or the things I checked. It all came about because of guilt. Once I tackled that situation, I was fine. Good luck friend. PLEASE buckle up. My darling Aunt would still be alive if she had. ALso, her best friend,who was seated next to her. Gone forever.|||just think 2 youself this little phrase ''click it or ticket''|||have you tried wearing the seatbelt.. differently? like, putting the part that goes over your chest behind you... or something.

Of course, the only way to fully get rid of the problem would be a lot of therapy... but, as a quick fix you could try a few things, like getting those padded... things. for the seatbelt.

Or, (I saw your update on this topic), if you MUST drive, but can't stand to wear the seatbelt, you could try putting it behind you (so that it's against the seat, behind you - not holding you in). That way, if the police aren't looking closely, it'll look like you are wearing it. Not that I recommend this, or anything... just an idea.

Good luck, anyway.

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