Friday, December 2, 2011

As the years roll by on this conveyor belt of life, has your perspective on life changed at all and why?

Yes - I am more philosophical - due to life's experiences.|||I take less crap from people, yet I have more empathy for others.|||good question!!

I am now married and expecting our first child and am living a life that i vowed i would never live - but am very happy now.

I was in a job that earnt alot of money - but now have entered a industry which makes me happy.

Though i still feel like i am 18 (especially when I'm with my mates) - i am 32|||i think it has to cos when you are young you are daft and basically think everything is a laugh ,well i did anyway but due to some things that life through my way i learnt to be more understanding,respect what i had and not the lack of what i hadn't,i learnt that you never do know what is round the corner so family should come before anything|||yes your was of thinkilng sure as hell changes. What seemed to be most important at one time in your life, you come to realize with age, that its not really important at all. In the end as you grown older, being able to get out of bed, still be able to read a paper, walk, talk, have a home , even if a small one that itis your own, and tht you can enjoy anything you eat and have a few, but good friends, is the most important things life has to offer. Anything else is gravy.|||I am now an old woman. I would hope that it has changed. lol To give a condensed version--life happened. Moments of love, joy, frustrations, anger, death, poor, struggles, sickness, happiness---"life"|||Oh yes. Life changes your perspective. I'm a much calmer person now than I was when I was younger; much more tolerant; much less excitable.

I understand things better; have got more philosophical about events that would have caused me great distress twenty years ago.

I have loved and lost; had affairs; had a baby in my late 30s I hadn't planned for.; Ran my first marathon at the age of 46, and reached down deep inside myself for that; lost a parent - that changes you.|||Very much so, i now seee life as a wonderful thing and a loverly gift, and ny outlook on life changed for the better on a trauma i encountered,, my eyes are wide open now and also where i had gone wrong.

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