Friday, December 2, 2011

How do you interpret a dream about being pulled over by the police for not wearing a seat belt?

I have seen where wearing a seat belt in a dream represents feeling trapped but can't seem to put this all my dream, I was pulled over and heavily fined for not wearing my seat belt.

I have always worn my seat belt in waking life and have been pulled over once a LONG time ago for speeding. I have never gotten a ticket.|||It's just a dream...|||No worries, Phyrereii. The images in each person's dreams are unique to that individual. The standard answers found in dream dictionaries are fun for parties and such, but have little relevance to real dreams.

I suspect that the seat belt issue in your dream is a symbol for a very minor violation of principle. The dream might have shown you paying a fine for failing to return a library book on time, or having your hand smacked for raiding a cookie jar. It is a minor infraction.

So forget about seat belts and consider what you have been doing lately that might be bending the rules ever so slightly. For some reason your conscience is nudging you, and warning you to get back to the straight and narrow.

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