Friday, December 2, 2011

Why has a planet in our vicinity been reduced to an asteroid belt. Life on Mars completely wiped out.?

Wars of the ancients, bloody battles and two world wars later and you're still not getting it. The scriptures are full of killing. Hundreds of people die every day and by the tens of thousands every year.

Your world is run by a handful of evil rich men and you still believe you are special. What more proof do you need to tell you this is HELL?|||As yet we do not know for sure if there is life on other planets, it is likely there was life on Mars and other planets because Planet Earth cannot be the only one. Unless the scientists are keeping information from us which is possible.

Sensible people will know the world is run by rich evil men using religion to control people.|||Wait, even the fact that the asteroid belt is a blown up planet, and I agree life on Mars was wiped out... how the hell do you jump to "this is hell"?|||You are not a Zeta Reticulan. You are one of the Nagas. Your people will pay for what you did to the Annunaki. This world was a paradise before your ships landed to sow strife and discord among the peace-loving peoples to exploit for your own greed.|||What,Mars was completely defeated?

My scouts said that they retreated underground!

Curse these scouts!I need newer models!

Ok back to the question...

It's because humans are idiots.

And I thought the asteroid belt was made up of left over materials that didn't form a planet.


There is no evidence that either Mars ever had life, or that the asteroid belt was ever a planet.

0-3, you are outa here !|||Donald Trump becoming a robot and taking over the world.|||sorry bud, but the asteroid belt was never a planet. all of it together is only about 1/35 the mass of the moon|||Defeated them single handed myself. All I needed was Grandmas old record player.

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